Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Fun!!!

Ethan and I (mommy) went to Mukwonago this afternoon to hang out with the family and ride ATVs... Ethan loves to ride!!! Kait came too and chased after everyone... Gotta enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Fun!!!

Today dad took me to Grandma & Grandpa Raap's house to visit with the family and to go trick-or-treating... Mom, Dad and I also went to visit with some of our friends in Oak Creek for dinner and a little more trick-or-treating... Mom and Dad are sure gonna enjoy all of the treats!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Grandma & Grandpa Raap Come Over!!!

Today, mommy had a dentist appointment so Grandma and Grandpa Raap came over to watch me... I just love giving them kisses with ravioli all over my face!!!

Halloween Trick-or-Treat Spooktakular

Tonight we went to the Milwaukee County Zoo with our friends Steve, Kara, Mason and Caden for trick-or-treating... We also met up with Aunt Loree, Alexa, Nathan and Niko and some friends while we were there... We were afraid that the weather wasn't gonna cooperate, but thankfully it did!!! No rain until we were on our way home!!! Yea!!! We had so much fun!!!

Daddy and Me...

This is one of our favorite things to do... Playing on the computer... Usually Ethan doesn't sit so still though... He is usually trying to bang on the keyboard!!! He seemed to be mesmerized by Cookie Monster...

Bath Time!!!

Every time Scott or I ask Ethan if he wants to take a bath, he runs into the bathroom and tries climbing into the tub... He also loves taking showers... He never wants to get out of the water!!! Don't we have the cutest little fish ever?!?!?!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My favorite toy...

Ethan just loves remote controls, probably like every other toddler... He definately knows the real ones from the fake... and can also tell if there are no batteries in them... so... who needs fancy toys anyways?!?!?!?

My Cousin Visits!!!

Today we got to watch my baby cousin, Taylor!!! She was such a good girl... I was so intrigued by her, but I mostly wanted to show mama where her eyes and nose were... I also really liked showing her my toys!!! We had a lot of fun...and then mama put me down for a nap :(:(:(

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Pumpkin Farm!!!

Yea!!! Mom got off of work early today and we got to go to Swan's Pumpkin Farm!!! We had a lot of fun picking out our pumpkins!!! We also walked through a corn maze and saw many different animals!!! I love the pumpkin farm!!!

Steppin' Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes

Today dad and I went with the family to the Milwaukee Mile at State Fair Park to participate in a walk for Uncle Doug and all those affected by diabetes... We walked with Grandpa and Grandma Schutten, Uncle Doug, Jamie, Aunt Sheena and Uncle Ryan, Uncle Matt and Heather and best of all, my little cousins, Taylor and Claire!!! We had so much fun!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Visiting with my friend Hunter...

Last night Ethan and I went to visit Trissa and Hunter... we had dinner there and got to meet their new puppy, Rocket!!! We had so much fun!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best Buds!

Ethan and Kait sit together... He likes to use her as a lounge chair and also a step stool to get onto the couch... She is so good and just lets him do whatever he wants (usually)...

Dangerous and Daring!!!

Ethan is climbing all over the furniture... His new thing today is climbing and rocking on the ottoman... He has absolutely NO FEAR!!! He loves jumping off of the couch onto the pillows too!!! Today we have to stay inside because of the cool, rainy weather...

Monday, October 13, 2008

I have a new cousin!!!

Claire Beth Priefer was born last Tuesday night (10/07)!!! She is 6 lbs. 5 oz and 19 1/2 inches long!!! Mom and baby are doing well... Ethan can't wait to meet his new cousin!!! Congratulations to Sheena and Ryan!!!

Ethan loves the park!!!

We have been taking Ethan to the different parks in our area... he loves it!!! He especially likes the "bubbler!!!" This time we went with Grandma Raap to the park by the Franklin Library... We had so much fun!!!