Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Blog

Hey Everyone!!! We have a new blog now... See www.3menandmommy.blogspot.com now. we will no longer be using this one... See you there!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Look at how big Ethan is now compared to little brother Caleb!!!
He is growing up so fast!!!

Happy V Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!! Ethan was in the coloring mood a few days ago so we made a few Valentine cards to send to the G-mas and G-pas...


Congrats to the Weed family on the birth of their new baby girl, Olivia, on Thursday 2/12!!! We can't wait to meet her!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Adam and Lauren

Adam and Lauren came to town this weekend to visit... It was so nice to see them and to have them meet their new cousin!!!

G-ma Raap's Surprise B-day Party...

On Saturday night we had a surprise B-day party for G-ma Raap at Uncle Aaron's house... She was VERY surprised... It was also Great G-ma Schulz's birthday too... All of Ethan and Caleb's cousins were there and we had a blast!!! Of course Caleb was the hit of the party...

Friday, February 6, 2009

More Visitors...

On Wednesday night, Trissa, Hunter, Dawn, and Dylan came over to meet Caleb...


Yesterday Uncle Sean brought Great G-ma Sprotte to visit Caleb and Ethan... Great G-ma held Caleb while Uncle Sean chased Ethan around for 2 hours!!! I love when visitors come and wear Ethan out!!! G-ma and G-pa Raap also came in the morning to see the boys... they wore Ethan out for me too!!! Ethan loves when G-ma plays his guitar!!! They really get down!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I can't believe my little Caleb is almost 1 week old already!!! He had his first check up yesterday and is doing very well... The PA said he looks perfect!!! But we already knew that!!! He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz which is a great weight gain they said... He left the hospital on Friday at a tad over 7 lbs. He is not jaundiced at all either... Grandpa Schutten came over to stay with Ethan while I took Caleb to the doctor... We go next week for his 2 week check up... He is a very good baby so far. He wakes up only once at night to eat at about 3 or 4am and that is it... I take that time to really snuggle with him because during the day I am here with him and Ethan ALONE and do not have much of a chance to snuggle... Ethan is so interested in Caleb and does not leave him alone. It is so hard to constantly keep my eye on Ethan hoping that he doesn't gouge out an eye or throw a toy at Caleb... He always wants to take Caleb's nuk out too!!! AHHH!!! Overall, so far being home alone during the day with the two of them has been ok, I'm just tired. That's my update for now... wish me luck!!!