Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Is Coming!!!

Last night we (well, mostly Scott) put up the Christmas tree and lights... What a job!!! Maybe if we didn't have a 12 foot tree, it wouldn't be so bad... Ethan loved the lights!!! He also discovered how to climb a step stool... While we had our backs turned he climbed the 3 steps to the top... Kids have no fear!!! He was obsessed with climbing the step stool all night!!! He also enjoyed playing in the empty Christmas bins... Today we are going to put all of the ornaments on the tree which is the fun part for me... I was thinking about starting already since I have been up since 3:30am... decided to wait for Scott and Ethan though... Can't wait for Christmas!!!

1 comment:

eebee diaries said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! We have to get together for a xmas play date soon!!! Names are so hard hey?!? I think we are picking olivia, but ryan is not 100%- whatever!!! I like caleb tho- its cute!