Tuesday, February 17, 2009
New Blog
Hey Everyone!!! We have a new blog now... See www.3menandmommy.blogspot.com now. we will no longer be using this one... See you there!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Congrats to the Weed family on the birth of their new baby girl, Olivia, on Thursday 2/12!!! We can't wait to meet her!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Yesterday Uncle Sean brought Great G-ma Sprotte to visit Caleb and Ethan... Great G-ma held Caleb while Uncle Sean chased Ethan around for 2 hours!!! I love when visitors come and wear Ethan out!!! G-ma and G-pa Raap also came in the morning to see the boys... they wore Ethan out for me too!!! Ethan loves when G-ma plays his guitar!!! They really get down!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I can't believe my little Caleb is almost 1 week old already!!! He had his first check up yesterday and is doing very well... The PA said he looks perfect!!! But we already knew that!!! He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz which is a great weight gain they said... He left the hospital on Friday at a tad over 7 lbs. He is not jaundiced at all either... Grandpa Schutten came over to stay with Ethan while I took Caleb to the doctor... We go next week for his 2 week check up... He is a very good baby so far. He wakes up only once at night to eat at about 3 or 4am and that is it... I take that time to really snuggle with him because during the day I am here with him and Ethan ALONE and do not have much of a chance to snuggle... Ethan is so interested in Caleb and does not leave him alone. It is so hard to constantly keep my eye on Ethan hoping that he doesn't gouge out an eye or throw a toy at Caleb... He always wants to take Caleb's nuk out too!!! AHHH!!! Overall, so far being home alone during the day with the two of them has been ok, I'm just tired. That's my update for now... wish me luck!!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
1st Night Home with Caleb...
So our 1st night home with Caleb turned out to be awesome!!! He slept 6+ hours and so did I!!! I can't remember the last time I slept 6 hours straight!!! Now let's see if this continues... probably not... but I will take what I can get... He is a real good baby so far and is sleeping in his bassinet next to our bed. With Ethan all we did was hold him because we didn't have another child to chase around... wow have things changed with having 2 now!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Caleb is Here!!!
Our newest addition has finally arrived!!! Caleb Steven Schutten was born on Wed. the 28th at 3:14 am... He was 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches long... He is a little peanut!!! My labor was significantly shorter than the first and I only pushed a few times vs. 2 hours of pushing with Ethan!!! The best part of it all was at the end - I actually reached down and pulled Caleb out and brought him to my chest... that was so awesome... I think I should get a discount on my hospital bill for that, hey?!?!?!? We are both doing well and will be going home Friday morning - then reality sets in... 2 kids...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Weekend...
Scott and Ethan went to visit Great Grandma Sprotte yesterday and had a blast... Ethan played with all the toys at her house and even picked them all up after he was done!!! Now if he would only do that at home!!! He was a very well behaved boy Grandma said... I worked my 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday and felt as if the baby were going to fall out of me at the end of each day!!! Stacy brought me Mexican food from La Fuentes on Saturday to see if that would help put me in to labor, but of course it didn't... It was delicious anyways... I have a doctor appointment today again and if I don't have this baby by Thursday I am going in on Thursday evening to begin the induction process... So there is definitely an end in sight... I hope to have him by then though!!! Have a good week everyone!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
No Progress...
So at my check up today there has been no progress in the dilation department... but no big deal... that doesn't mean much... My doctor has left it up to me whether or not I want to be induced next week or not... I am thinking of waiting it out for a while more... don't like the idea of being induced... don't want the drugs and being constantly monitored the whole labor... So I will leave it up to baby boy Schutten for now to decide when he wants to make his grand entrance into the world... my mind might change if my due date comes and goes...
Play Date...
Last night Hunter and Trissa came over to visit us... They brought the Olive Garden for dinner for us... YUM!!! Hunter and Ethan ran around for a few hours and played... 4 days until my due date and I feel as if this baby never wants to come out!!! I really hope he comes before this weekend because I am scheduled to work my 12 hour shifts on both Saturday and Sunday... Ethan was born 3 days before his due date so I am hopeful that this one will not be stubborn and wait until after... Every day I wonder if today will be the day, and then the day and night comes and goes with no baby!!! AHHH!!! I go to the doctor today and hopefully have made some progress... I am not holding my breath though... Wish me luck!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Last night we went to Japanica with G-ma and G-pa Raap and Uncle Sean... We had Hibachi steak and shrimp and sushi... Yum!!! Ethan was not too thrilled with the little show the chef put on. He was actually scared of it... I have 10 more days until my due date and I feel as if this baby will never be born!!! We are so ready to meet him and every day I wonder if today will be the day, and then nothing happens... I am feeling good except for not sleeping well... Ethan keeps me busy ALL day long... he is constantly getting into something and I am constantly chasing him around... Hope everyone is staying warm during this "Deep Freeze" as the news channels call it...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
At G-ma and G-pa Raap's house...
Ethan spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa Raap while I worked 12+ hours on Saturday and Scott was up north with the guys on their annual ice fishing trip... He was a very busy boy and was so tired when I picked him up at 8pm... I was also tired and so were G-ma and G-pa!!! This morning my work called and told me that I could have off until 3pm today... Yea!!! Aunt Mary was going to watch Ethan today, but now I don't need her until maybe 3pm (I might have to go into work then)... Here are 2 short videos Grandpa took of Ethan at their house yesterday...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Photo Shoot...
Last night we went to Target Portrait Studios in New Berlin for a photo shoot... I wanted to get 18 month pictures of Ethan, family pictures and some maternity pictures done... Well, needless to say, Ethan was not cooperating very well... he was more interested in running around and playing with everything in the studio... We did manage to get a few good pictures, but not many... Oh well!!! What can I expect from a very busy toddler?!?!?! I also had an OB appointment yesterday and there is not much progress going on with dilating... baby is head down and in good position the doc says... he says not to be discouraged because you never know what will happen... I feel like this baby is going to be stubborn and not want to come out!!! I don't blame him though - it's cold out here!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Baby Shower
So on Saturday, the girls at my work threw me a baby shower!!! I was so surprised!!! I don't know how they got all the food and gifts in our conference room without me noticing, but they did... I got a lot of new clothes for baby boy Schutten (still nameless)!!! I was worried that I didn't have enough winter outfits for him, but now I do!!! I still can't believe that they did that for me!!! I have great co-workers/friends at St. Lukes...
The Weekend...
So I am 37 weeks pregnant today... with 3 or less weeks to go (hopefully)... I worked 24+ hours between Saturday and Sunday and am wondering how many more weekends I will have to do that - it is becoming more difficult every weekend to be running around the hospital taking care of patients... This weekend was a busy one for Scott and Ethan... They were out and about both days visiting family... Sunday was Claire's baptism and then they went to G-ma and G-pa Francis's house after a nap for a few hours and had dinner and played... they were busy boys!!! Ethan got a new horse too at G-ma and G-pa's!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Horrible Night...
Last night we went out with friends to Hugo's Steakhouse and had a horrible experience... Needless to say, that horrible experience lasted all night long for me... I was up all night puking and the other thing too... Don't know if it is food poisoning or what?!?!?! I gotta get ready for work now... AHHH!!! I hope this passes real soon... no time to be sick... Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve... Happy 2009!!! Oh... and we weren't able to go to that Baby Preview place yesterday unfortunately... maybe today, but I won't hold my breath... I guess I will just have to wait until baby boy Schutten makes his grand entrance into the world to see him...
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