Monday, January 5, 2009

The Weekend...

So I am 37 weeks pregnant today... with 3 or less weeks to go (hopefully)... I worked 24+ hours between Saturday and Sunday and am wondering how many more weekends I will have to do that - it is becoming more difficult every weekend to be running around the hospital taking care of patients... This weekend was a busy one for Scott and Ethan... They were out and about both days visiting family... Sunday was Claire's baptism and then they went to G-ma and G-pa Francis's house after a nap for a few hours and had dinner and played... they were busy boys!!! Ethan got a new horse too at G-ma and G-pa's!!!

1 comment:

eebee diaries said...

I don't know how you do it, i can barely make it 8 hrs sitting at my desk!!!! Get this baby out of me!!!