Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Photo Shoot...

Last night we went to Target Portrait Studios in New Berlin for a photo shoot... I wanted to get 18 month pictures of Ethan, family pictures and some maternity pictures done... Well, needless to say, Ethan was not cooperating very well... he was more interested in running around and playing with everything in the studio... We did manage to get a few good pictures, but not many... Oh well!!! What can I expect from a very busy toddler?!?!?! I also had an OB appointment yesterday and there is not much progress going on with dilating... baby is head down and in good position the doc says... he says not to be discouraged because you never know what will happen... I feel like this baby is going to be stubborn and not want to come out!!! I don't blame him though - it's cold out here!!!

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